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    <p><span style="color:#3366ff"><strong><span style="font-size:32px">Conservation of biodiversity for climate change<br /><br /></span></strong></span></p><h1><span style="font-size:24px">Challenge background:</span></h1><p>The concept of biodiversity stands for the variety of life on Earth, including both plants and animals. Thanks to the warm climate, biodiversity is typically higher near the equator. With its tropical jungles, seas and geographical location, Malaysia is the 12th nation worldwide for the variety of biodiversity - ac-cording to the National Biodiversity Index, with an estimate of 60% of the country’s total area still forested - in line with its commitment to maintain at least 50% in perpetuity, as pledged at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. At the same time, Malaysia is also going through rapid economic development, with its population almost tripling since the 1960s. These developments are currently putting the environment under pressure, threatening biodiversity in the country. Un-sustainable human activities, ranging from land development, waste, pollution and poaching are undermining vast areas of the country ecosystems. All of this is exacerbated by climate change, that risk to alter the natural equilibrium of the country natural resources and the already existing problems.</p><h1><span style="font-size:24px">Challenge description:</span></h1><p>To help addressing the problem, the UN is supporting a “Decade of Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030”, with the aim to reverse degradation of biodiversity and restore 350 hectares of green land worldwide.</p><p>However, this might not be enough, and we need your help!</p><p>We are calling for you to help us develop innovative solutions, leveraging your creativity and technology to come up with new ideas to address this challenge. Examples of general issues related to the threat to Malaysian biodiversity include:</p><ul><li>Responsible consumption</li><li>Optimized Production</li><li>Pollution & Waste management</li><li>Poaching and collection of endangered species</li><li>Encroachment of land</li><li>Air Pollution Control</li><li>Deforestation</li><li>Overuse/exploitation of cultivable land</li><li>Marine ecosystem protection</li></ul><p> </p><p>Feel free to use these sub-categories as guidance to develop your solution, but please, do not feel limited by them. We want you to unleash your creativity, according to your passion, skills and to the topic you believe to be the most urgent.</p><p>The same goes for the selected technology, for us, it does not matter whether you wish to create a game, develop an augmented reality, a software, a piece of hardware, AI or a blockchain, as long as the project fulfil its purpose: helping to preserve biodiversity in Malaysia.</p><h1><span style="font-size:24px">Multimedia Material:</span></h1><p><a href=""></a></p><p><a href=""></a></p><p><a href=""></a></p>
    {"currentPhase":"Complete","enddateepoch":1566594000,"days":-1701,"completed":true,"phases":[{"phase":1,"name":"Submit Solution","description":"Submit Solution","progress":100,"percent":26},{"phase":2,"name":"Review Phase","description":"Solutions will be reviewed.","progress":100,"percent":74}]}
    00 DAYS 00 HRS 00 MINS
    Challenge ended
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