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    <p style="text-align:center"><span style="font-size:32px"><strong>Tackling Climate Change with </strong></span><br /><span style="font-size:32px"><strong>Community Data</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>A Reboot the Earth Hackathon Challenge</p><p> </p><p><strong>Background</strong></p><p>The climate is changing throughout the world. As the climate changes so do mankind's living conditions. Experts anticipate far-reaching consequences for the environment, economy and society, unless we can succeed in at least keeping climate change within limits. Modern climate policy is therefore based on two pillars: avoidance of greenhouse gases and adaptation to those consequences of climate change which are already unavoidable. (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany)</p><p><strong>Challenge</strong></p><p>A crucial challenge in building resilience to climate change is the lack of access to useful, timely and credible data and information. Adaptation and resilience practitioners face a confusing and fragmented data landscape, and struggle to understand and manage climate risk using the data available. The Reboot the Earth tech challenge wants you to develop solutions to this problem with community data, for example by:</p><ol><li>Making data available to communities for community action and transparency. Unlocking the power of information! Enabling communities across the globe to measure and track climate change at local level and to develop solutions that are tailored to their needs.</li><li>Using data collected by communities for more evidence based climate action (citizen-science / crowdsourcing data). Crowdsourcing is a way to find solutions to problems by asking a large group of people to contribute information, ideas, data, and content about a certain idea. This can be used to address knowledge gaps about climate change, and help implement solutions.</li><li>Creating data communities that share, analyze and use different kinds of data in a way that contributes to tackling climate change, monitoring or adapting to its consequences.</li></ol><p><strong>What kind of specializations & areas of expertise needed to solve this challenge?<br /></strong>- Data Platform Management <br />- Data Science, Data Visualization <br />- Machine Learning <br />- Hardware Making, Low-Cost Sensor Networking<br />- Marketing, Cultural Strategy<br />- Business, Incentivization</p>
    {"currentPhase":"Complete","enddateepoch":1569508620,"days":-1672,"completed":true,"phases":[{"phase":1,"name":"Submit Solution","description":"Submit Solution","progress":100,"percent":11},{"phase":2,"name":"Review","description":"","progress":100,"percent":89}]}
    00 DAYS 00 HRS 00 MINS
    Challenge ended
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